Beyond Good & Evil ist ein 3D Action-Adventure aus 2003. Die Handlung spielt in einer fiktiven Welt, die von den außerirdischen DomZ bedroht wird. Du übernimmst die Rolle von Jade, einer charismatischen, jungen Fotojournalistin, welche versucht, die Wahrheit hinter den Angriffen der DomZ und einer Verschwörung der Regierung aufzudecken. Das Spiel kombiniert Elemente von Action, Rätseln, Fotografie und Stealth, wobei der Fokus auf der Erzählung und der Charakterentwicklung liegt. Hier eine Hilfe die Fotografien betreffend und die Komplettlösung. Ein Youtube Video mit dem gesamten Spielablauf hat es auch!
The Dark Mod is a 3D first-person stealth game heavily inspired by the classic Thief series. Similar to Thief, The Dark Mod emphasizes stealth over combat. Players succeed by avoiding enemies, sneaking around, and using gadgets to complete objectives. The game takes place in a steampunk world that blends elements of Gothic, fantasy, Victorian, and Industrial Revolution aesthetics. One of the most exciting aspects of The Dark Mod is the extensive library of fan-made missions (over 170!), offering a vast amount of content to explore. If you're a fan of stealth games like Thief and enjoy exploring unique worlds, The Dark Mod is definitely worth checking out!
Catechumen is a 3D first-person action game from 2000, set during the time of the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, 171 AD to be precise. You play as a catechumen (a novice Christian being trained) and your objective is to free fellow brethren and your mentor from captivity in the catacombs. Terribilis est locus iste: Intelligent and dangerous opponents from Earth and Beyond stalk you on your quest, each with unique tactics and powers. 18 expansive levels challenge your mind as you must out-wit and out-battle your opponents in a multitude of dynamic realms, using "Swords of the Spirit" (based on biblical concepts) as weapons. Consult guide, walkthrough and maps if necessary, and overcome your foes with divine might in this gore-free adventure!
Penumbra is a 3D 1st-person survival horror adventure game, where you solve intriguing puzzles in the eerie environment of an abandoned, dimly lit mine. It features a physics-based interaction system, allowing players to freely manipulate and combine numerous objects in the game world. Another notable aspect is its emphasis on psychological horror and the avoidance of direct combat. So, combat situations are rare, and the comprehensible reaction in the face of danger is much rather: "Run and hide!" Start your journey and use your skills to solve the puzzles and explore the mine. That is how you survive, not by violence! You will need a walkthrough!
The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition ist das Remake des interaktiven 3D-Horror-Film-Puzzle-Abenteuerspiels The 7th Guest (1993), eines faszinierenden Trips aus der Perspektive des unter Gedächtnisschwund leidenden, namensgebenden siebten Gastes, der durch ein gruseliges Herrenhaus zu wandern hat. Die geheimnisvolle Rahmenhandlung spult sich allmählich in filmischen Rückblenden ab, während der Spieler durch das Lösen von einundzwanzig Rätseln wechselnder Natur und mit steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad von einem Raum zum anderen gelangt. The 7th Guest gilt weithin als Killer-App, die damals den Verkauf von CD-ROM-Laufwerken ankurbelte. Hier ist die Komplettlösung!
System Shock™ 2 is the second installment of the System Shock series. It stands all on its own as a masterpiece and offers one of the most intense storytellings in the history of computer games. It perfectly splices Sci-Fi with survival horror, 3D FPS gameplay with character stats, upgrades and inventory system of the role-playing genre, fast paced action with chilling terror. As you slowly and carefully explore your surroundings, the game begins to swallow you whole, and soon enough you feel completely immersed in the terrifying reality of an interstellar ghost-ship. Here are cheats, walkthrough and manual.
SILENT HILL 2: Restless Dreamsputs you in the shoes of James Sunderland, a 30-something man who receives a letter from his wife Mary, urging him to meet her in the resort town Silent Hill. The brief, intimate urgency of this reunion-summons would be the stuff of bittersweet love songs if it weren't for one near-unspeakable fact: Mary Sunderland has been dead for three years now! This 3D adventure is known for its psychological horror elements, atmospheric soundtrack, and complex narrative that delves into themes of guilt, grief, and the human psyche. The eerie atmosphere and disturbing imagery contribute to the game's reputation as a classic in the survival horror genre. To handle the obstructive "Insert CD1" message, install the ISO version, open the "Crack" folder and copy sh2pc.exe into the game directory. After that it should work. Here are manual and walkthrough!
Eight Legged Freaks is a freeware movie license tie-in developed for Warner Bros, to promote the eponymous movie featuring giant spiders terrorizing an american smalltown. You play as either Chris McCormick or Sheriff Samantha Parker, and your task is to bring the Spider invasion to a halt. You navigate the city mall in 3D first-person perspective to wage war against them terrifying arachnids, and to find the keys for successive higher levels. Starting with a simple crossbow, there are more powerful weapons to be found during gameplay (like a rifle, a shotgun or insectizide spray) plus ammo and various power-ups. It sports a useful map function, too.
Xonoticis an arena-style opensource 3D FPS with crisp movement and a wide array of weapons. It has 9 core weapons and 16 full weapons in its armory, each useful in particular situations, so weapon choice is critical. The aim of this game is fun, old school gameplay, and if you love retro shooters like Quake, this one is for you. Xonotic combines intuitive mechanics with in-your-face action to elevate your heart rate. No installation required, just unzip it and start the fun!
Cube 2: Sauerbraten is an opensource 3D FPS featuring singleplayer botmatches and missions in a multitude of various maps. There is also a multiplayer option available. Much like the original Cube, the aim of this game is fun, old school gameplay. If you love retro shooters like Quake, this one is for you.
Extreme Tux Racer katapultiert den niedlichen Pinguin Tux in eine schneebedeckte Berglandschaft. Auf zahlreichen Kursen saust er bäuchlings die Piste hinunter, dabei sorgen eingesammelte Fische sowie Bestzeiten immer wieder für neue Highscores. In Trainingsspielen schickt man Tux außerdem auf eine virtuelle Sprungschanze und segelt zu neuen Höchstweiten.
OttoMatic ist die Open-Source Adaption des gleichnamigen 3D Action-Adventures von 2001. Wir schreiben das Jahr 1957 und eine Flotte von fliegenden Untertassen vom Planeten X ist auf der Erde gelandet. Diese stehen unter der Kontrolle der bösen Brain Aliens, die hilflose Menschen entführen, um sie zu Sklaven des Giant Brain zu machen. Du bist Otto Matic, ein Roboter, der die Aufgabe hat, so viele Menschen wie möglich zu retten und gleichzeitig die Brain Aliens und alle ihre bösen Gefolgsleute zu besiegen. Hier die Bedienungsanleitung (leider nur für Apple Mac) und eine englischsprachige Einführung.
3D Ultra Mini Golf is designed to simulate the experience of playing mini golf with a variety of creative and challenging courses. Players navigate through a series of holes, aiming to complete each hole in as few strokes as possible. The courses are set in fantastical or realistic environments, featuring obstacles, ramps, loops, and other creative elements that add complexity to the gameplay. The use of a 3D engine allows for an immersive and visually appealing experience.
3D Ultra Cool Pool is a pool billiard simulation that offers various game modes including billiards, eight ball, nine ball, cutthroat and rotation. The player can choose from three difficulty levels. Extra game options include poker, where each ball represents a card, Chameleon where balls change colour and a variety of differently shaped tables (triangular, circular, T-shaped)!
3D Pinball - Space Cadet ist ein Arcade Flipperspiel, das von Microsoft eingeführt wurde und erstmals in Windows 95 enthalten war. Wer das Windows-Betriebssystem seit seinen Anfängen benutzt hat, wird mit 3D Pinball - Space Cadet in Erinnerungen schwelgen. Dieses nostalgische Flipperspiel sieht aus und spielt sich wie vor all den Jahren!